Publications and Forthcoming Work

Jeffrey D. Boldt has published more than 200 short stories, poems, and essays in literary magazines and newspapers. These include: The Wallace Stevens Journal, Interim, Blueline, RE: AL Regarding Arts and Letters, Berkeley Poetry Review, Great River ReviewClare Literary Journal, The Mickle Street Review, The MacGuffin, Seemsthe Shepherd Express, The J Journal. and Wisconsin Lawyer

Boldt had an essay on philosopher Emmanuel Levinas in the summer 2012 issue of Tikkun.

Looking for Willie George, recently appeared as The Missing Slate Story of the Week. My poems have also been featured as Poem of the Week and Weekend in the same international magazine. My poem A Year or Two in Rome, a Week or Two in Paris, will soon be translated into Serbo-Croat-Bosnian as part of a Best of The Missing Slate feature with the editor of The Balkan Literary Herald.

A collaboration with the artist Carolyn Smythe Kallenborn appears in AGAVE MAGAZINE VOL.1, ISSUE 2 Winter/Spring, 2014, p. 23. Another poem will appear in the Fall 2014 issue of Agave.

A short story, "Nadine and Frederick"  recently appeared in The MacGuffin and another story is forthcoming in the Fall 2014 issue of The MacGuffin.

He is an attorney in Madison, Wisconsin.


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