
 My first novel, Blue Lake will be published this March by River Grove Books.
  Why does a forty-something lawyer unexpectedly dive into a pool in her underwear at a legal conference? Was it a sort of career suicide? Thanks to Mike Mavilia Rochester and the other editorial baristas at The Fictional Café for publishing my short story “In the Hotel Room with Arles.” .

What I Call Life

I am very grateful to see my story in the beautiful Rosebud #65. You can buy a copy at many Barnes and Noble stores or order one online here . Many, many thanks to editor Rod Clark. Also, please look for two of my poems forthcoming in Rosebud #67.

Story Forthcoming in Rosebud

I am honored that my short story, "What I Call Life" will be forthcoming in Rosebud  literary magazine's 25th Anniversary issue #65. I am a subscriber now but have also purchased it many times at Barnes and Noble stores around the US. It's the fifth of my my group of linked stories to be published and especially meaningful to have it published in magazine I've long admired. Many thanks to editor Roderick Clark.

Mistake House May 2018

The May 2018 issue of  Mistake House  is out and  it’s very exciting to see my short-story The 2013 Holiday Letter and my poem Conversation Overheard at the Upscale Market included. The issue features poet Rajiv Mohabir and a cover by and interview with artist Rudy Shepherd.  

Mistake House Kristiana Kahakauwila Interview

One of the pleasures of literature is discovering new writers that dazzle and inspire. Writers like Kristiana Kahakauwila , whom I  encountered first in Mistake House , the literary journal of Principia College.  This is Paradise, Kahakauwila's remarkable debut story collection, takes us deep into the lives of a diverse group of  Hawaiians.     Here’s a wonderful interview   that the journal did with this author to remember.  I'm also very pleased to have a short-story and a poem forthcoming in the next Mistake House .